<aside> 💡 The username and password for internal users will be the same as for the web application, so if you are not an external user then please go straight to downloading the app.


The two main steps are (1) setting a password and (2) downloading and installing the app.

1. Invitation email from Maindeck

The user will be receiving an email from Maindeck with instructions on how to proceed. In this email, there is a link to set a new password. The user should simply open this link and the page for setting the password will appear.

2. Setting password

Setting the password is done in a web browser (opens automatically when pressing the link in the previous step). The user must enter a password of choice twice and then press the button "Set my password"

Once the password has been set, a confirmation box appears saying it's done. The user can now move on to the next step.

3. Downloading and installing the app

For this step, the user must be on his/her mobile phone. Download the app from either the App Store or Google Play, and then log in with the password you set (the username is your email address).

Once logged in, the user will see the project they have been assigned.

By pressing the project card, the user will see the list of work orders assigned to them in Step 1. No other work orders will appear for them, and for the assigned work orders the user will be able to view details as well as provide progress updates.

Did we miss something? Don't worry! Just email our support team at [email protected] ✌️