<aside> 📙 After each and every dry-docking, we need to create a final report. In this article we will show you how to easily create the final report using our report builder, with templates and digital shelf.


Inside a project, navigate to "Reports and minutes".

Creating a report on Maindeck is like using Word, with regular text editing options, but with two specific additional benefits available on Maindeck, namely Templates and the Digital shelf. These two, in addition to regular editing, are covered below.

1. Templates

Each customer has access to our report template builder, which allows you to build your own report templates fitting your company's specific needs. When selecting a report type, you are actually selecting one of these templates that your company has built, and it generates a pre-filled version of the report based on that template, with real-time data included in it at the time the report is generated.

These templates can include any type of information, variables, progress update, cost overview, list of variation orders, etc.

2. Digital shelf

Although the templates generates reports that are ready to send out, you might want to add more information to a specific report. This is especially relevant for final reports. In such case, you wouldn't want to go through your email, SD cards and elsewhere to locate the relevant information you want to add to the report.

With the Digital shelf, you have all that information ready available to you, directly inside the report editing page. This includes activity updates, variation orders, pre-processed data tables, images and more. All of these components can of course also be added to your report templates so that they are added with updated data automatically.


3. Regular editing

In addition to adding components from the Digital shelf, you can also edit the report like a regular text document. The toolbar on the top contains a lot of different options for editing, styling and adding further information.


When you are ready with a report, press the save button to save your work.